So it's week 4 of Wreckers month! (WRECKERS MONTH!!!) and this week I'm reviewing someone who isn't a Wrecker in the IDW'verse but he has been a Wrecker on at least two different occasions. It's not a perfect solution but its the best I've got dang it!
Here we are for week three of Wrecker month!
This week we have a repaint and a retool, I don't cover a lot of retool (repaints I do, see ALL of Wave 3 of the PCC line) so this'll make a nice change. Welcome to week 2 of Wrecker month!
This week we talk about the Lost Lights resident ex-watch maker and everyone's favourite one eyed thug. I also features a small discussion on people who open toy boxes to steal the contents. It's my first review of November and this month sees the release of SINS OF THE WRECKERS!
So I thought I'd do something special for this month (well part of it any way). I realised something a few days ago, in my small Florida based collection I have a small amount of Wreckers right here. So why not do a theme month? So for a good chunk of November, IT'S WRECKERS MONTH! This one should be interesting, this week we have a triple changer that since its release garnered a lot of backlash due to a massive flaw in its design. I'll try not to dwell on it to much as I discuss this weeks review.
So with my move to the United States all of my PCC toys are boxed up and are either at my Dad's house or on their way to me via the USPS.
I've yet to make a set up for photos so I'd like to thank my balcony and the Florida sun for my current photos. I wanted to keep writing the reviews so I'll be going over the toys I had waiting for me here. The first of my USA toys is a unique toy of a unique character, it's also my first Generation 1 toy review. Wave 4 gave us some stone cold classic PCC toys, we'll ignore Skyhammer for now, it also gave us two classic teams for the 5 packs. This week we speak about the first one. (short intro this week)
Well it's that time again. Today we're going to talk about the second and final Wave 4 2 pack.
Remember how I said that Wave 4 was when it got good? Well it kind of hits a speed bump with this weeks subject. This week is a big week.
The start of Wave 4. Wave 4 was the start of the end for the PCC line. The toys barely made it into stores and the 2 packs got shortened from three figures per Wave down to two. Wave 4 is when everything started to get really good though. Waves 4 and 5 had some of the best figures in the entire line. After a while slapping a different colour on an existing toy or gimmick has to end, new ideas have to come to the fore. And that's exactly what's going to happen here. Wave 3 and all of it's repaints has come to an end. How does it end? Let's find out together.
November 2021