Episode 41 : Galvatron!
The Decepticons control the planet...but as Kicker is Human, and Arcee s an Omnibot the gas doesn't effect them. They can go try to shut off the gas.
Kickers family and Rad are being hunted by Terrorcons...
Sixshot learns he can use the super Energon to pilot the planet...so they are heading back to Alpha Q's planets to destroy them. Leave Megatron on Cybertron for 5 mins and he tries to turn it into a mobile home.
The Decepticons attack the Miranda 2,seriously damaging it. "This ship was named after my mom, Trust me she can take more than you think" ahhhhhahhhahahhahh haha hahahah ah ah
Kicker and Arcee FINALLY set off on their mission. As the Miranda 2 slowly crashes into the planet. Landing as a monument for generations to come.
Episode 42 : Breakthrough
This is confusing again. Where Arcee and Kicker are, there is Energon Gas, On other parts there is no gas...weird
Rad & Dr Jones are trying to get to Primus. Sally and Miranda are making cookies....this is not good characterization.
The Autobots block the pipeline, stopping the flow of gas...which clears and Prime can land to face off against Galvatron. This is moving like molasses.
The gas also returned.
Episode 43 : Distribution
Erm....I clearly passed out and started dreaming, because this seems to be a single elimination knockout tournament hosted by two female robots...I'll wake up in a minute I'm sure.
Ok I just read the WIKI to see what this thing is. So this was a heavily manufactured 500th episode celebration episode with untranslatable jokes...Awesome, just what I need at 11:15 with 8 episodes to watch after this.
That said its weird but kinda funny.
All a video game.....sigh.
Episode 44 : The Omega Train
After that rather odd diversion we're back to the story!
Well I say that, but the story hasn't moved on for quiet a while now....We have fanboy Triplet omnibots now.
We've got Energon gas and a lost family. Lets wrap this shit up so I can go to bed. 23:34..
*Throws hands up in air*
In other news I just ran out of data on my phone for the first time ever.
Ironhide's a pretty good cheerleader...but I think he's gonna get these guys killed.
Zoned out again, Galvatron claims hes finally on his way..doesn't seem likely.
SERIOUSLY, your doing the Batman tune in next time to see if Kicker finds his family and if Galvatron can be stopped!!!!!!!!
44 episodes in and you pull that out of the bag.
Episode 45 : Decepticon Army
The last disc is in.
I repeat the last disc is in.
I'm 7 episodes from the end.
Estimated finish time is 2:12am...
So this is a continuation from last time...as the last 9 or 10 episodes have been,
Coming this fall, Autobots on a train...
Windsabres slipped into sleep mode...well swipe your finger across him and wake him up...
Once again Prime is fighting Galvatron. I'm getting De Ja Vu this has happened so often.
Kicker finds where his family were hiding out, he can still smell his moms cooking. Not sure if that's an endorsement or not.
Primes on the ropes, I'm gonna say someone comes to his aid.
And Galvatron learns an important lesson in that if you treat your staff like shit they will eventually walk out on you when you need them.
Demolisher and Snowcat tried to use the super energon...and saw...something.
We're also sticking with the voice over to end and start the episodes apparently. At least Kicker has his family back, that's one plot thread closed at least.
Episode 46 : Ironhide Team
OK, so the Terrorcons bathed in the super energon...this is screaming filler episode.
Sixshot's unreasonable demands for reinstatement...an apology. Sheesh.
This is so Japanese...its all about shame and failure in the workplace.
Team Ironhide. OMG.They finally get the Energon to Primus...Who expands the energy??? and powers up Optimus Supreme...Galvatron runs like a little bitch.
Episode 47 : Formidable
5 left. Its 12:30, we see Misha again for the first time in a while.
More gas, More Galvatron and Optimus, Unicron's spark still lives etc. JUST DO SOMETHING. TELL A STORY, ANYTHING.
The gas is being sucked back into Cybertron...for some reason. Optimus is enormous, and is slowing the planet down.... then starts ripping it up.More annoying voice over...
Episode 48 : Galvatron Terror
Kickers family is still stuck somewhere under Cybertron...
Thats been going on for 10 episodes at least.
Sally has taken over the control room. This can only end badly.
Planets covered in Gas again, I really wish it would end.
Galvatrons been at the super energon again, He's also enormous. This reminds me of the old cartoon where the cat and the mouse (Or was it a dog? Its 1:08 am I dont know anything anymore) keep drinking a growing potion. They get bigger and bigger until they both end up stood on top of the planet and one pushes the other off to finally win.
Now I think of it that was a weird Cartoon.
What was it supposed to be about?
The futility of being the biggest bully.
After your victory your too big to enjoy it,
The Autobots get to Sally in the control room, then ship her off to the ocean planet. The spaceport is now open. And the gas is finally clearing out.Optimus is back to normal size...when did I miss that?
Episode 49 : Destructive power
3 episodes left, that's about an hour. Its 1:12am. If I remember correctly I finished Armada between 3 & 4 am, so if nothing else I've learned how to do this in a more manageable way....and yes I'm thinking of completing the cycle with Cybertron at some point in the future. It might be this Christmas, it might be 2 years from now. We will see.
It looks like this is going to take me 18hrs 40 mins. The official running time is 18hrs 45mins, But I've taken two breaks of about 45 mins. I've skipped every intro and credits, which by the look of it are about a minute long. So uninterrupted I think this could be watched in 18hrs flat....
Anyway, Galvatron keeps getting bigger. Thats all thats happening. The Autobots are attacking him, he keeps growing. He's become Unicron basically.
Kicker and the Omnibots are trying to cut off the supply of super Energon..
Galvatron is towing Cybertron across space using the Super Energon tether.
Ironhide takes on Skorpinok...until the Terrorcons turn up.
Galvatron Transforms and leaves.
Episode 50 : Spark
Penultimate episode. Galvatron is heading ... somewhere.
Primus is in sleep mode, he still needs more power.
Tiny Prime is fighting mahoosive Galvatron.....
Erm I dont know how to put this.
Prime became a ball of light...then his HUGE arms came out of the light and threw Galvatron about. Now Massive Prime is grappling with huge Galvatron.
If any of that sounds exciting it really isn't.
The textures on the huge characters are just awful. Who ok'd these designs.
This is difficult to watch. Its boring and looks shit.
There is lots of fighting. The only interesting part is Superion Maximus Vs Combaticon and Constructicon maximus. After taking one of them down Superion is in trouble having lost his limbs...Until the 4th combiner..the one Megatron killed shows up, saves Superion then vanishes into thin air. Who was he? Defensor? Computron or someone else? Will I find out???
Superion then steals Combaticon Maximus' limbs and finishes Constructicon Maximus.
Sally and Misha are worried about Kicker..whose about to do something stupid by the look of it.
Galvatron & Optimus are normal sized again...still fighting, still boring.
Kicker has found Unicron's tiny spark....
Episode 51 : The Sun
Finally the last episode. Almost there. I can feel my bed calling me.
Kicker is about to crush Unicron, but Primus wants to save him and turn him into a sun for Alpha Q's (remember him) planets.
Meanwhile Prime is in a coma. He'd be happy with that. Its not death, but its still a sacrifice.
Primus is finally powered up.
Everyone's combination sparks are glowing...calling them to assemble on the jungle planet.
Meanwhile Kicker is sword fighting with Galvatron...what?????
Thankfully Omega supreme turns up to step in. He then explains entropy to Galvatron.
(Without change everything stagnates and dies).
Galvatron absorbed Unicron's spark (I feel we've been here before) and gets massive again.
Primus has expelled a huge ball of super Energon from Cybertron,
Skorpinok just apparently fell down dead for no obvious reason.
Prime finally shows up to cleanse Unicron using all the combination sparks. This could have happened 30 episodes ago.
The giant ball of super Energon arrives and Galvatron dives into it. Creating a new sun.
Prime exploded into the combination sparks, who materialize as the individuals they are.
Thats it.
A confusing ending at best.
Its 2:15am.
The sun is out this morning. I went to bed at 2:30 and slept for 8hrs.
In retrospect Transformers Energon is a mess. The mixture of CGI and traditional animation is grating, when you see a CGI model rotating smoothly in place to turn, it looks cheap.
The dub doesn't help, the little i've read on the wiki seems to say that Superlink wasnt translated with care. The story is spread ridiculously thin, there is no need for this to be 51 episodes long.
I will probably do this again for Cybertron to complete the trilogy, but for now I can say I have seen Energon.
Its a bad series.