It's an Optimus Prime repaint, done in white, that isn't Ultra Magnus.
He is....
Not recognizing the name? Me either. As far as I'm aware there isn't any reference here. It's just a new name with a (kind of) new scheme.
B.C Prime transforms from a white truck to a robot, he also turns into a Combiner Wars torso. He's molded in white and grey plastic with a splash of gold and blue paint apps.
BC Prime does have a trailer hitch but the only purpose it serves is that it lets you peg one of his guns in there, or both if you combine them. Just behind that is better weapon storage. The way the guns peg in and how they're sculpted it makes it look like he's got an engine block mounted on the back.
It would work if not for the gun barrels poking out of the back of them.
When you look at this version of Prime you may notice something compared to the "normal" Combiner Wars Prime, he has a completely redesigned head based on "Star Convoy". It's a nice touch especially since I hated the original head.
The new head's got enough sculpting hints there to have an Optimus look without it being Optimus, so if you were so inclined you could make him into another Prime with a paint job or a good set of labels.
I'll be honest robot mode isn't overly exciting, it does achieve that standard Prime look, he has the chest windows (not the trucks windows though, secret windows! Power Master Prime style!) and the vents on the leg.
B.C Prime also came with some updated hips but why does he need that?
The Wave 1 Prime and Wave 2 Motormaster have an issue where the hip ratchet "clicks" aren't in the right place. Both figures have their feet sculpted for "A" stance posing but the hip ratchets do not allow you to position the legs in such a way that they will stand properly with the feet.
Thankfully B.C Prime and the Wave 4 Motormaster (as well as any Unite Warriors release using either of the molds) have had the ratchets fixed.
His arms feel a little "wrong". I can't quite put my finger on it but it feels like there's something wrong with them. It's not a bad thing, they just don't feel right. They do seem a bit long which might be the problem but I can't quite put my finger on it.
He has nice articulation, it's nothing amazing, no ankle tilts or wrist joints but I've been able to pose B.C Prime pretty much how I've wanted to so far without much hassle.
The secondary gun really isn't up to much, it's basically just a barrel extension with a gun handle.
The two guns clip together to form a longer gun, you can use it in robot mode but it's way to big for him though, it's predominantly designed for use with his combined mode.
Each gun has a peg hole that you can peg additional weapons onto them. It doesn't always work well but have a play around with it see what you can do.
Of course you could plug Powerglide or Viper in there, I'd tell you what that's like but both of mine are back in England unfortunately.
Whoever designed these needs a big fat raise. These things are great, as much as I love the PCC line the connections can be a bit hit and miss, the Fall Of Cybertron Combaticon connections where a step up but they where far from perfect, overly tight, had to connect and disconnect, there was even some horror stories of them breaking.
These new joints connect and disconnect easily but they hold in really well, even when they are a bit tight, they just slide out.
A spring hold a little panel down to grip the block on the limb enough so you can move the arm/leg but they let go easily enough when you want to slide it off. These connections are awesome!
The only real downside to the system is that on the bulk of the Deluxes it's REALLY obvious that there is a combiner piece in their torso. I hope it's a system they stick with for any future combiner releases.
Transforming him into torso mode is easy enough from either mode, but it's a bit easier from robot mode.
Torso mode isn't anything you've not seen before. The legs become thighs, the arms fold up and expose the connection ports and you put the robot mode head away and swing out the combined head. Nothing to exciting like I said.
I've had to modify my Prime slightly as the pegs were just a little to wide to hold Blackjack, it's a case of just trimming down some of the extra peg thickness. Google it and you'll see what I mean.
The chest is where I have a problem. When it's open you basically have two big white expanses with a chunk of un-paintable plastic in the center. It's so very dull in there, you'll want to peg a Rodimus on there just to hide it, maybe that was Hasbro's plan all along.
The rest of it is OK, the legs are a little plain, they maybe could've done with a few paint touches, the hands are left out on display but you can work with those, they can hold the limb bots weapons or his own guns up there, shoulder mounted weapons!
For the photos you see here I've used Ironhide and Swindle for the legs and Mirage and Prowl as arms, this isn't my usual combination, at the time of writing these were the only four limbs I had with me.
In closing Battle Core Prime is a good update on the Wave 1 figure but he lacks something, he is very plain, he feels more like a filler Prime. The limbs from Wave 4 were always supposed to go with the red Optimus, B.C Prime just feels like a way to release the mold again for those that missed the Wave 1 Prime.
I'll be honest here, I never bought Battle Core Prime to have a white Prime.
I was all for passing on him until Reprolabels stepped in and all of a sudden he became a blank canvas that I had to get.
Find out why next week.

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