So this week I'm going to talk about Legends class Blackjack. He transforms from a sports car, a robot and a chest piece for any of the Optimus/Motormaster CW molds. Blackjack is a nice mix of black and purple plastic with some painted detail picked out in gold. Blackjack is obviously a updated version of the Micromaster of the same name but you take one look at him and he screams Battlecharger. Supposedly the mold was originally going to be Runabout/Runamuck but you don't have to worry if you still want them you can get them from Japan as long as you're willing to pay the price for the pair of them (one not so expensive, the other one is a million publishing figure so he's hella expensive).
In his robot mode Blackjack has some extra detail work revealed, yet again it's all nicely sculpted and some of it is picked out in gold paint. He's got standard articulation for his scale, ball joint shoulders, hips and knees and jointed elbows. His head is just on a swivel joint, it'd be better on a ball joint but it's OK. His head has a nice look to it but that's more because of his Battlecharger origins, old schoool Blackjack had a face, not a faceplate but I don't hold it against him.
The axe weapon is something I do have a problem with. It's big, it's way to big for him. It makes a lot more sense for his last mode.
Let's wrap this review up. Blackjack is a good figure and I recommend that you pick him or one of his repaints/remolds up. Though if you get the Rodimus it might be worth noting that you can't peg his spoiler axe in to look like his traditional spoiler placement.
So that's this weeks review, I'm not sure who's going to be next, I'm starting to run out of things to review.
He sometimes takes epic trips and tells tales of these sagas often.
When not watching people in spandex fight each other he paints miniatures, go HERE to take a look.