He transforms from an excavator into a robot. He also forms Devastators right arm.
He's molded in the standard Constructicon greens and purples just like his 5 "friends".
As with the rest of the boxset he has sculpted detail all over as well as some nice paint apps in both modes.
He's probably got the second best articulation of the whole team, he only loses out on the top spot because his shoulder joints are so loose. He can hold his arms up but he can't hold up the missile pod that I usually give him (more on that later). If I finally find a bottle of the floor finish stuff that isn't a ridiculous price (seriously! It's 6 bucks for a bottle and I'm not even going to use that much of it! All I need is a little bottle of the stuff!) I'll get the ball joints fixed.
The head sculpt is pretty cool. Much like the rest of the team it's black with silver paint and red eyes. I especially like the "box plate" face guard he has.
As I mentioned earlier I usually arm Scavenger with the other missile pod. The problem is with his shoulders being so loose he can't hold it up. I tend to have him lean it against his leg to fire it.
Scavenger is one of the better members of the team but he's not my favourite. He's good, real good, maybe even solo release good.
Next week the Devastastion draws to a close when we finally get to the big guy. All that needs to be said is....
He sometimes takes epic trips and tells tales of these sagas often.
When not watching people in spandex fight each other he paints miniatures, go HERE to take a look