I should probably note that with my collection being, for the most part, in my Dads loft back in England there will be some figures I haven't reviewed yet or more importantly things I've forgotten about. I ask for your forgiveness in these instances and hope you don't mind flashy offical pictures as opposed to my rough "photo'd on my bench/bin thing" style.
2015 was a bit of a strange year in toys for me. With my job cutting my hours and the move to the states I don't feel like I bought a lot of new figures but I also feel like I got the bulk of the figures I wanted.
In 2015 I also didn't get any third party products. I didn't realise this until I started making this list. There was several third party figures I wanted Spartan, Madlaw and others I'll get at some point in the future.
I'll be trying to stick to one posistion per mold, that way the list isn't buried in repaints from Combiner Wars.
So onto the list itself!
15. One step Fixit.
I'm not a massive fan of the new Robots in disguise. It's not a terrible series but I just didn't get hooked into it, this is reflected a lot in my collection. I own ONE new RID figure (AND it's not Grimlock) but the one I own is pretty good. It was a gift from Old Oilhouse's own Great Dictator for life Grufflock. It's one of the very simple "one step changers" so it doesn't do a lot but it's a good representation of the character.
14. Generations Cosmos W/ Payload
13. Combiner Wars Air Raid.
12. Gacha Arms Micron Bulkhead knuckle
11. Generations Swerve
10. Combiner Wars Streetwise/Prowl
Read my Prowl review here.
9. Generation 1 Sky-Lynx
Read my Sky-Lynx review here.
8. Combiner Wars Black Jack
Read my Blackjack review here.
7. Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus
Read my Ultra Magnus review here.
6. Combiner Wars Rook
5. Combiner Wars Hot Spot
4. Generations Springer
Read my Springer review here.
3. Combiner Wars Silverbolt
2. Combiner Wars Viper
1. Combiner Wars Devastator
I'd like to thank a few people who helped with this list (even if they don't know they did),
1. "Great Dictator for life" Grufflock for not only supplying one of my entries but without the site and more importantly his support none of my written or podcast ramblings would be available to the public. So you can blame him for it all.
2. Tricky. My tag team partner in the podcasting world and someone who seems to survive my random Tranformer thoughts being bounced off his head. Without Tricky Welcome to Kimia would never have got off the ground and I wouldn't have felt the urge to write again. So you can blame him to.
3. Lastly but most importantly my lovely wife Slick. For putting up with me and my collection, for never making me feel weird for wanting to buy toys and more importantly for me being here in Tampa. 2015 was a very rough year at the mid point and without her I wouldn't have made it through all of the stresses of getting my ass to America. She is the love of my life and I don't think she'll ever understand how much she means to me. More thanks for putting up with the fact i kept stealing the laptop over the last few days to get this written up.
So that's my top 15 TF's of 2015. There was a lot of Combiner Wars in there but it should be expected. 2015 was the year of the combiner and I'll be starting off 2016 in much the same way, finishing off Optimus Maximus, getting Combiner Wars Sky-Lynx, Victorion, G2 Menasor and of course BRUTICUS!!! I've had to wait a long time to get a good offical representation of my favourite combiner team. A LONG time. Of course when those clear up I'll have Titan Masters to track down. 2016 should be a good year and who knows, I might do a 16 TF's of 2016.
I want to mentiona couple of non Transformer figures as well
S.H.Figuarts Fourze Magnet states.
Skeleton Warriors Kickstarter figure.

He sometimes takes epic trips and tells tales of these sagas often.
When not watching people in spandex fight each other he paints miniatures, go HERE to take a look.