Decap Attack is a long running horror-comedy strip, based on Sega's Decap Attack game; it bears the honour of being the longest non-Sonic strip, being around for five years and only ending after the introduction of reprints. It was, to date, the only non-Sonic strip to return in Sonic the Comic Online, albeit for just two stories so far.The plot of Decap Attack is suitably loose considering the game it came from. The series revolves around Castle Frank N. Stein and its inhabitants - Professor Frank N. Stein, Chuck D. Head, Igor and Head - as they struggle to live together while Frank churns out more revived corpses in an attempt to be a famous mad professor. Many of the strips are comedic one-shots that put the creations and unhappy residents into everday circumstances only for somebody to lose out at the end - usually Igor. Early stories were much longer and followed the invasion of Max D. Cap or the relentless pursuit of Chuck by Detective Case. Despite the series supposedly being set in modern-day Transylvania, the supporting characters talk very British-ly and the accents are derived from regional ones. As well as this, the trio have taken an adventure to medieval Swansea. 1:who killed chuck? 2: monster of the year 3:deaded 4: collected misadventures |