Be warned, sound equipment was a little...sensitive....
Continuing the Theme Month of Discworld, It's the turn of the Old Arcade to look at the games based on the property.
Be warned, sound equipment was a little...sensitive....
The Arcade returns to (kinda) look to the year ahead and (sorta) talk about the games we played last year.
Also Skeletor and Spiders. Ross, Gruff, Billy and Double-G look at the most disappointing releases of gaming history. And fail to bring a show in under 2 hours. Again.
The Arcadians take flight once more to natter into your ear about all sorts of nonsense. Includes! Assassins Creed! Necrodancers! Garfield! MMO! FFS!
The Old Arcade returns to once again pretend to talk about gaming.....
Thankfully, this is the last show recorded using the horrible outdated equipment... DHD once again leads the Arcadians down a path of ill-repute and muffins. We also discuss boss characters and play Whats That Sound!
The Arcadians return! with games, random conversation and a knowledge of days gone by! Also. Farcry 3 and 7 Days To Die. thats surprising!
Apologies for the rough sound, we are using ollllld tech for this show. The show is a big 'un this week. We talk about zombie survival minecraft style game 7 Days To Die and Billy's need to Garfield...
This time out, The Arcadians look at Chrono Trigger, The Occulus Rift and yet more Garfield on the Game Boy.....
the old arcade
The Old Arcade is a somewhat irrelevant look at the world of gaming, future, past and Jimmy Smitts Archives
March 2017