Ponder along with them!
This time out, Matt grabs a Razz to joing him and Ross over many a path forgotton of curious lore...
Ponder along with them!
Billy, Gruffy , DHD and Garygary hold down a Millman from Moonbase 2 and force feed him comic book questions. Listen in, after the JUMP.
Join the New Age Oilhouse Outlaws Tricky and Stu as they wrestle all of this weeks Transformers news into a show!
Have a listen in! Every now and again, there's a little toy that not only captures the sillyness of little plastic men, but reignites a person's love o that sillyness.
This is that very figure for me! Officially, this is Takara's Beast Saga Tarlock, but he is, and will always be, Admiral Turtle to me..... The last of our month long look at the works of Sir Terry Pratchett delves deep into the Discworld. Gruffy, DHD and podcast virgin Dean "Magrat" Scott talk. At You. A lot.
Listen in after the jump! So, I was asked by our devine demigod Grufflock to write a piece on one of Terry Pratchett’s more notable other works to finish off Discworld month. Avid listeners to our various podcasts may have noticed the running theme (Well, with the small exception of Welcome to Kimia and CyberRitz, since as far as we know, Terry Pratchett never wrote for those sentient transforming robots from the planet Cybertron, nor have his novels ever been adapted for anime), and my name was suggested to cover this closing piece for two unusual reasons:
I’ve never read a single Discworld novel in my entire life. But BOY, do I love the radioplay adaptations of Dirk Maggs!
There's been a glut of film trailers out this last week, so we have grabbed 'em for your enjoyment all at once. Whats standing out of this group for you? Comment below and let us know! FANTASTIC FOUR JURASSIC WORLD bATMAN vS sUPERMAN star wars: the force awakens mad max: fury road terminator genisys Is it Monday again?!
Guess that means it's time for Transformer news with Stu and Tricky! QUICKLY! LISTEN NOW! |
November 2021