Monster In My Pocket.
This week, the manic manga team take back seat and instead a blast from the past steps forward. This ep is taken from the Shut Up and Watch This archives. Jump this way to listen in!
This week, The stacks are back with the Boglins. The Mini Boglins came in 6 tribes way back in 1991 by Ideal. There were a total of 36 Boglin models subdivided into 6 tribes: The Clumsies, The Freaks, The Greedies, The Jokers, The Rude Dudes, andThe Tough Guys. The tribes consisted of 4 Boglins of ordinary rank, a pathfinder and a chief. Each figure was also originally available in 6 colors: blue, brown, mustard, grey, salmon and green. Pathfinders however were available in a limited edition black, so they "can move around at night without being seen", while chiefs were available in a limited edition silver, the rarest.
Monday means it's Welcome to Kimia time again. Join Stu and Tricky as they talk about this weeks TF news!
JUMP the hell across and enjoy! With Wildbill away, we grab special guest who... yeah. We talk E3 and what you lovely guys and gals think! Jump the jump and listen in!
This week, The Past Posters takes a look at the hand held that held on. The Nintendo Game Boy!
Warning... these are very...very...90s The Bard returns to the Witcher well and delves deep into the collector's edition of the Witcher 2. Be forewarned: it is his favorite computer game collector's edition (so far) and in this video he attempts to show that sequels can be good even in the world of boxes. This week, The Art Of The Box looks at the truly beautiful art of Masters Of The Universe. This gallery is by no means comprehensive, but a wonderful look at a style of art that seems to have long passed.
Also. Anybody else want a cartoon that looks like these? |
November 2021