Alien: Resurrection was released to mixed and some fairly positive reviews, but over time it has become the outside runt of the litter.
In 1997, 20th Century Fox made the decision to continue with their most well known and lucrative franchise, the Alien saga. World famous, insanely popular, and highly influential. The Alien series is adored worldwide by millions of fans, and so the sound of $$$$ was just too much for the suits to ignore.
Alien: Resurrection was released to mixed and some fairly positive reviews, but over time it has become the outside runt of the litter.
In this article I try to bungle my way through explaining the trials, tribulations, and techniques of writing a home made 1990's style video game using the Game Maker software.
It all started here! Super Mario Bros. is the film version of the monumentally popular platform game by Nintendo, and also holds the honour of being the very first film ever to be made that was based on a video game (Tron doesn't count because the concept was first and foremost a movie!). The film's plot differs from the game, and revolves around the rescue of Princess Daisy from the evil King Koopa in the Mushroom Kingdom. That's the exact plot of the game right? Yes, but it's executed in a VERY different way! In 1991, the phenomenal success of Capcom's seminal arcade machine, Street Fighter II, was the turning point where people were starting to realise that video games were nearing movies in terms of popular money making entertainment. So, what better way to cash in on the monstrous craze for this amazing game? Make a film out of it (and then make a game out of the film!)
In the 30 odd years that the Beat 'Em Up has been around, what is the legacy it leaves behind in modern gaming?
November 2021