Skylanders is a "toys to life" video game series published by Activision. Games in the series are played by placing character figures on the "Portal of Power", a device that reads the figures' tags through NFC and "imports" the character represented by the figure into the game as a playable character. There are eight elemental categories to which a character, known as a Skylander, can belong: earth, air, fire, water, magic, life, tech, and undead, later adding in three new elements in Skylanders: Trap Team: Kaos, Light and Dark.
This week, The stacks are back with the Boglins. The Mini Boglins came in 6 tribes way back in 1991 by Ideal. There were a total of 36 Boglin models subdivided into 6 tribes: The Clumsies, The Freaks, The Greedies, The Jokers, The Rude Dudes, andThe Tough Guys. The tribes consisted of 4 Boglins of ordinary rank, a pathfinder and a chief. Each figure was also originally available in 6 colors: blue, brown, mustard, grey, salmon and green. Pathfinders however were available in a limited edition black, so they "can move around at night without being seen", while chiefs were available in a limited edition silver, the rarest.
In something that we at the Old Oilhouse can imagine may well become a recurring look at a certain toyline, We present to you a short gallery on The Mini Boglins. Boglins were created by Tim Clarke, Maureen Trotto, and Larry Mass, and Licensed by Seven Towns.
Boglins were rubbery hand puppets that resembled small monsters, goblins and aquatic creatures. The Boglins were part of the "monster creatures" craze during the late 1980s, which included Ghoulies, Critters, and Gremlins. In this case, The Mini Boglins ran from 1991 - 1993, and whilst divided up into tribes, we have a small selection to show off and hopefully kickstart some nostalgia This week, the stacks are going to be looking at Monster In My Pocket (1990 - 1992). There's a smattering of figures from the original line here, so expect to see many more MIMPs in future.
If you like the look of this line, or you already have some of these guys, let us know and comment below! |
November 2021