Published by: Malibu Comics October 1994 - April 1995 Bobby Rae - inker Charles Marshall - writer Dave Lanphear - letterer John Tobias, Mark Paniccia- editor Patrick Rolo - penciler Scott Christian Sava / Janice Wismar / Violent Hues -colourist |
The show begins with Scorpion chucking his spiky-stone-on-a-rope at the helpless, tied to a wall Sub-Zero, who is whacked in the throat, and falls from his bonds. Scorpion repeats his earlier comments and vanishes. Whilst freeing the rest of the team, Sub-Zero and Hydro release that Scorpion intended to free them so no-one else could kill the Lin Kuei Ninjas. That, and to give Subby a good ol' whack to the throat and a threat or two.
The team descends into bickering and infighting until the Master of Threats, Goro arrives to...threaten away.
Back in the dungeon (Hang on, we're ten pages into this issue, and there’s only been 2 locations. This is a Mortal Kombat comic, yes?) Goro has notched his threatening behavior up a level. By speaking in 3rd person. Kano remarks that if not for his second imminent beating by the Shokan Price, they may well have been friends. (remember, Kano may have concussion from the last issue).
There then follows a smack-down between SIANG! And Goro (General of the Armies of Outworld, and PRINCE! Of the Subterranean World of Shokan) the likes of which Vince McMahon could only dream of. The battle is only stopped when Raiden (God of Thunder and Lightning) hovers dramatically into view, shooting bolts at ....well, everybody.
Shang Tsung watches on with growing pleasure, until suddenly, Goro vanishes.
Shaken by this, Shang screams away at the Thunder God, who responds with a wanton act of vandalism by blowing a large hole in the Shang-Dungeon. The Kombateers fly away, leaving Shang throwing what appears to be oversized baby faces around the room.
Well, apart from the art taking a slight step up (only one artist/inker/colorist this time out) and the plot of the series being laid on the line, sweet bugger all actually happens here. Three fights, all involving Goro and Shang merrily chatting away to the walls. Really, that is all that happens here. It's all set-up for the remainder of the series and the Goro: Prince of Pain miniseries. And it ends. Happily. Waving with a cheeky smile on it's face. All in all, that’s a poor planing for a issue. The change of pace is also quite jarring, as by this point you are used to the breakneck speed the series has been moving at, which somehow adds to it's charm. When it slows down in this issue, the cracks in the writing at art start to show dramatically. Also, there's nary a Pointy-Hatted-Ninja to be found in this one.
Well, we are halfway through the series now. Only three more to go. And as usual, here's a picture of Scorpion being awesome to tide you over till then.