One of his first titles was Aviator in 1984. the game was unique for it's tremendously accurate in game flight physics. Realistic g-forces were also included and ad many other features which were unparalleled at the time.
This accuracy in his gaming codes come as no surprise as Crammond was in fact a defense industry service engineer and additionally he holds a physics degree which is responsible for his games accurate realism of movement
Crammond is known for his motor racing games which include formula one based titles and stunt car racing games with his most famous line of work being the Grand Prix series of games which generally were PC exclusives and the fourth entry in that series GP4 (2002) being the top of the pile.
Geoff Crammond had some minor notoriety in 1986 with the release of The Sentinel. The game, published by Firebird and ported to the z80 family of computers at the time, was a vector based puzzle/adventure in which a player had to traverse eerie landscapes all the while avoiding the glare of the ever watching Sentinel being (an ominous creature with the head of a bird) who stood on a tower far above the rest of the landscape turning slowly like a lighthouse lamp and would drain your energy if you got in his line of sight.
The game was a hit and was tremendously atmospheric and tense with a foreboding atmosphere and some real panic moments as you scrambled to escape if caught in the Sentinel's glare.
Since Grand Prix 4 Geoff Crammond has keep a low profile but reportedly still engages in various coding projects.
Striding forth from his lair at Castle Stareskull on morning, Prototron decided to not reign down terror on the villagers, but instead go back inside, crack open a beer and load up Streets Of Rage 2. One hundred years later, he's still there. A avid music maker (of TERROR!) and retro gamer, he can be found whooping any and all heroes at all manner of SNK-based challenges. |