Today we start on the first of the Wave 2 figures, will Wave 2 improve on Wave 1? Or will it spiral into a well of crappiness?
Icepick shares his name with one of the members of the Pretender Monsters but that's about all they share though. Icepick was also one of the few (if only) PCC's to spread beyond the line. He appeared in the “Human Alliance” toy line. Teaming with a human partner after the loss of his “Combiner team”.
Icepicks vehicle mode looks pretty good, it has some nicely sculpted detail ALL over it and it's a solid little brick of a vehicle. It's got two Power-Linx ports on the top of it but they are so close that if you use one it'll render the other one useless with most Mini-Cons. More on that later.
The white and dark blue contrasts nicely here, especially with the occasional silver paint app to break it up. Two of his PCC pegs are visible, but lets face it most of these figures have PCC ports viable.
There's not much else to say about the vehicle mode so lets get to his robot mode.
He has a nice looking face sculpt with details picked out in a nice metallic blue. The head is ball jointed but it has no real movement due to his collar. I can see why they did it like this on an engineering level (it keeps the torso mode head on its joint by the way) but it seems like a weird way of doing it. No light piping though.
He has some decent articulation mostly because of the various joints needed to make the torso mode transformation.
His PCC pegs are still visible on his shoulders but the other two are stashed away in his legs. They stand out a bit mostly due to the fact that they sit on what will become the torso modes shoulders
His torso mode looks okay, but it isn't the best. The loose hips on mine means he's often tilted straight forward or backwards.
It would've been nice if there had been an Arctic themed drone team. I do have spares I could adapt for him but painting white is a nightmare (only to be beaten by yellow AAAARGGGGHHH!!!).
So how does he look with those third party limb sets?
I think it speaks a lot about Icepick as a figure, as a torso he doesn't do much, sure his head is amazing but the rest is fairly dull. Icepick spends most, if not all, of his time in his robot mode.
Shall we talk mini-Cons?
As a robot he has decent sculpting, I especially like how his face is a just a blank red visor, almost a precursor for Transformers Prime's Soundwave. He has some nice clamp hands (CLAMP, CLAMP, CLA-BAMP!) to.
His alternative gun mode works with everybody who has a hand hole, so just about everyone apart from Icepick.
I actually own two Chainclaws, I was so impressed with this gun mode that I bought a second one to pair with United Scourge as Fracas (Takara did the same thing with a solid grey plastic version of the mold).
He sometimes takes epic trips to Newcastle, and tells tales of these sagas often.
When not watching people in spandex fight each other he paints miniatures, go HERE to take a look.