He almost made it into Wreckers month.
He's been punched by his allies more than the enemy lately.
He's famous for flipping tables.
It's Combiner Wars Prowl.
Love him or hate him it's who I'm talking about this week.
Part of Wave 4's limb selection CW Prowl is a new head and a new paint job on Wave 3's Streetwise.
He transforms from a car, to a leg, an arm and then a robot. He comes with the standard Hand/Foot/Gun that all of the CW deluxees come with and a triple barrel shotgun.
The shotgun is pretty awesome. I'll have three versions of it by the end of Combiner Wars and it wont be enough! The H/F/G has some nice sculpting on it but it's pretty standard for the line.
He's cast in the standard white and black plastic with mostly black paint apps, a splash of metallic blue and the red needed to finish of his Autobot symbols and his head piece. The colours. It does a good job of making him look like everyones least loved Police bot (and I'm including Barricade in that list). I want to make sure I mention the fact that on both Prowl and Streetwise I've trimmed down the joint that swings the hood back and forth. That thing is tight unless it's trimmed you don't have to do it but I recommend it.
Some people swing the hood and head up to for a knee cap. I think it looks better as I don't like the combiner joints being on view when I can avoid it.
It's nothing overly special, it's a leg just like the other leg modes. It works.
I'm fairly familiar with the body of this figure before since I own Streetwise, It has some problems but overall it's not bad. It has a good range of movement for his arms because of all of the joints. Due to how he transforms you do get a little bit of wrist articulation but I've never really used it for much.
Prowls feet are designed so that he stands in the "A" stance, he doesn't have any kinf of articulation below the knee but you have to expect that with how he transforms. He has standard knee, hip and waist articulation that the CW limbs have.
I like how the car type CW figures have the panels that flip over to cover the combination joint. One complaint I have about some of the CW figures is that the combination joint is out on full display. Having the chest piece sit over it helps break it up. It's obvious that the joints there but at least it's hidden a bit.
Sometimes with the CW deluxes I have real problems with what to do with the H/F/G. Not everyone looks good with a massive H/F/G in their hands, Streetwise was really easy to sort out, Rook needed two hands for his "Hulk hands" and all of the other protectobots had passable uses for theirs.
On Prowl I use the shoulder pegs to store it. I like how it looks on Prowl but I don't on Streetwise, it's weird how a new head and paint job can change my opinion on a figure.
Prowls head sculpt is really nice, I'm afraid my amateurish photos wont do it justice. It's got a nice amount of detail on there and it does a great job of evoking Prowl. He looks stern, serious and ready to qoute your crimes at you (Ask Violator about it, well you could if he hadn't killed himself to avoid listening to Prowl listing, EVERY. SINGLE . ONE. of his crimes).
Robot mode does a lot of good things which help erase the memories of the Classics figure, He doesn't have the traditional hood chest and door wings that Prowl has but I strangely don't have a problem with it.
In last weeks review I complained that CW Ironhide didn't do enough to look like Ironhide but this week I'm OK with the same thing on Prowl. Yeesh I'm a terrible person.
So would I recommend CW Prowl? Whole heartedly yes. It's a cool figure and a nice update for Prowl. If you've already got Streetwise I'd maybe think twice on it, it's the exact same figure apart from the head. I'm OK with it but I can see why people wouldn't be.
I'm happy with Prowl even with a Streetwise and I'll be picking up Smokescreen when that Wave lands.
So that's this weeks review wrapped up. I have no idea what I'll be reviewing next week so no hints today.

He sometimes takes epic trips and tells tales of these sagas often.
When not watching people in spandex fight each other he paints miniatures, go HERE to take a look.