I've yet to make a set up for photos so I'd like to thank my balcony and the Florida sun for my current photos.
I wanted to keep writing the reviews so I'll be going over the toys I had waiting for me here. The first of my USA toys is a unique toy of a unique character, it's also my first Generation 1 toy review.
Sky-Lynx transforms from a shuttle with a giant “carrier”to a four legged dinosaur/dragon type thing which then splits into two separate forms. The carrier turns into a lynx and the shuttle turns into a dinosaur bird kind of thing.
He neck and tail are multi jointed but over all he doesn't have a lot of articulation, it's mostly there because it's needed for the transformation. The legs are the weakest part of this part of the toy, they're small and a little thin for my liking but it's understandable why they're like this, if they were much bigger they'd interfere with the combined mode.
With the tail fully extended he's got some serious length to him, which is always a good thing.
He's got some nicely sculpted detail, plenty of tech gubbins on the non shuttle parts and plenty of panelling on the shuttle parts.
One thing I've always liked about the Sky-Lynx design is his head (something they've nicely carried over into his upcoming Combiner wars release), it's just a shuttle nose cone that splits open to reveal a gun barrel (this is the reissue so it's painted, the original wasn't picked out according to the TFWiki, thanks guys) and a fearsome set of teeth. I have no idea why I like the head so much, I just do. It's like Twinkies. I can't explain why I like them I just do (the delicious yellow bastards...).
Because of Sky-Lynx's walking/rolling gimmick he has no articulation, the closest he comes to any articulation is the way the feet are set up so that he can walk and that's about it. This thing is a brick but then it's supposed to be. It's where all of the gears, engines and batteries go.
As a lynx the head pops out of the front (It's gold chrome, hmmm shiny) and two “tails” pull out of the back. There's very little to say about the lynx part of this figure, it turns from a brick that sits under a shuttle into a vaguely cat shaped brick.
So what happens when you mash the cat like brick into the dinosaur bird? Awesomeness.
This Sky-Lynx in all of his unleashed glory! There isn't much to say about this mode apart from the fact it's awesome.
The shuttle looks like a good representation of a shuttle, I'm sure someone out there is pushing their glasses up getting ready to pull me on why he doesn't accurately represent a shuttle but if you are save your breath/typing, I think it looks like a shuttle and so do most people.
Well that's all I can really say about Sky-Lynx, he's one of the more unique Generation 1 molds out there, not many Transformers out there even do the animal to vehicle “thing”, it's for that reason I wanted to own him, even when I do get the Combiner Wars version I'll keep this guy.
Well I've got a selection of toys here but I have no idea what I'll review next. It'll be a surprise!

He sometimes takes epic trips to Newcastle, and tells tales of these sagas often.
When not watching people in spandex fight each other he paints miniatures, go HERE to take a look.