Don't call it a comeback!
No seriously don't.
So a week or so ago I picked up the final bits of what I wanted to finish off for my Combiner Wars selection and after looking at my check list I realised I've got an example of every mold in the line, well almost, so why not do a quick talk about my experiences with the line?
I skipped a few here and there but mostly characters I already had or remolds of Generations figures I had no interest in. I've not got anything from Unite Warriors, I said I was done with Combiner Wars, not Unite Warriors and anything from the TFCC as I don't and probably wont own any of those.
Anything that's in a box set I can't really talk about either as I haven't picked up any of those.
So where do I start? Well let's go with the easiest (and smallest) the Legends class guys.
So for new Legends molds we got,
- Bombshell
- Powerglide/Viper
- Blackjack/Rodimus
- Groove/Wreck Gar
- Buzzsaw
- Shockwave
Ok right off the bat I didn't get Buzzsaw, I'm not interested in getting a third Soundwave with a third set of minions. If I was going to talk about this mold I'd wait until I was doing a Titans Return overview as I'm sure they'll do some form of Autobot bird that I'll get for Blaster C'mon Sundor!).
Legends class, for a long time, has been where all of the little awesome surprises come from and this run did not break that trend.
Most of those guys also have a third mode as well but with mixed results.
He's aaalllll legs but it's not awful, not by a long shot just when you have all of these great figures being just "good" makes you the worst of the group.
I'm passing on Wreck Gar as I own 8 Junkions already, I don't feel the urge to add another, unless he was really cheap of course.
He does suffer a little since his armour mode is just the car with it's spoiler plugged in a different way. That's a disappointing option but the rest of the figure pulls him up. Having all of that articulation topped off with a great looking face makes you forget his "chest mode".
At some point I'm hoping to add the G2 version to my collection because you know neon colours are XXTREME!
Read my Blackjack review HERE
Ignoring that he's a great little figure and it makes me wish I has a Skrapnel to go with him. Hopefully Hasbro will do a Legends Kickback to go with them.
This was a massive nostalgia kick for me, (long story short I watched revenge of Bruticus a LOT as a kid) partnered with Bruticus (MAH BOY!) Shockwave becomes a jetpack ummm yeah.... No he becomes a gun. A gun for Bruticus to be all "pew pew pew!". There are some issues with that but more on that later because they certainly aren't caused by Shockwave.
He's a great figure but I really want a larger Shockwave. He 's imposing enough as a little guy, imagine what a voyager scaled guy could be like....
I should count my blessings though I have one, there are people out there who didn't get one at all.
By and large the Legends were good, it filled in some essential mini bot slots that where empty and gave us some nice surprises to.
The Legends class guys are almost always great and Combiner Wars continues this trend.
So what about the Deluxe offerings? Well you'll have to wait to find out.
Check back next time to find out what I think.
He sometimes takes epic trips and tells tales of these sagas often.
When not watching people in spandex fight each other he paints miniatures, go HERE to take a look